give ThanX for your orders of the Rhondell Materials because your
purchase helps us to duplicate materials and keeps them available.
Original "Headlines"
The material in this book presents a way of finding inner
peace. The study of this material may lead one to a different type of
mental activity, to a different way of seeing self and to a new state of
Rhondell $22.00
"Notes on Personal Integration and
A person who hasn't first gained enough understanding of
life to be in possession of a desirable state of health and happiness is
not ready to carry on any work toward full personal integration.
Rhondell $22.00
"Who Is In Charge of My Inner State of
Now when PURPOSE and WILL are working together, there is an
end to conflict, struggle and resistance... A person who is in charge
... can feel any way they wish to feel. That seems to come as a surprise
to certain people, that you can feel any way you want to feel.
Rhondell $15.00
"The Place of Language in the Teaching"
Includes definitions of words frequently used throughout
the materials. A companion to the lessons. "The FIRST PURPOSE of the
Teachings is to straighten out the language for one's own use so that
one is no longer confused."
Rhondell $15.00
"Picture of Man for 12-Steppers"
Anyone working the Twelve Steps can benefit.
"48 Lessons Workbook"
Your own private school in written form. Loose-leaf pages
in quality binders with relevant diagrams included for easy reference.
"Seeking the Rose Storybook"
An ancient myth dressed up in modern clothing. Royal
children from Harmony are sent to a distorted world to retrieve The
Rose. Their Friend explains their initiation... travels with them,
available but unrecognized as the trusted servant of the King and Queen.
Foundation for the Seeking the Rose video script.
"Let's Start a Renaissance"
Transcript of a Talk Booklet.
Transcript of a talk in Albuquerque
Transcript of a talk in Whitney, TX Demystifying
"How to Be Miserable and Sick Anytime"
Transcript of a Talk
"The Way"
An introduction to Rhondell's material.
"The Gift"
Each of us has been a given a magnificent gift.
"The Lord's Prayer"
The Lord's Prayer deciphered line-by-line.
"Acquired Super Immunity"
How the immune system works
"The Fourth Way"
The Four Ways described--the way of the jungle, the way of
the law, the way of love, the way of intelligence--with emphasis on the
fourth way.
"Rhondell's Bedtime Story,
What am I? Here's a hint."
"Regarding Mushkil Gusha"
If you are among those around the world who tell the story
of Mushkil Gusha on Thursday nights, you will enjoy this elaboration on
its meaning. (The Story of Mushkil Gusha is found in Caravan of Dreams
by Idries Shah.)
The 48 Lessons
This is your own personal school. Study a lesson a week,
put the information to use, find out what happens. The Place of Language
in the Teaching book included. CD format
The Bible and the Inner Man
A different approach to understanding the Gospels (from the
radio-show talks) CD Format
Evening Workshops - CDs
Evening workshops given to small groups
in Newport Beach, CA in 1980.
Various lengths up to one hour
$12.00 each
Topics including:
Freedom, Reporting, Inner Talking, Aliens, Acting & Feeling, The Tone
Scale, Think Act Feel, Peace of Mind, Misconceptions, Where is the Sense
of I?, Commitments, Habits, Problems, Levels of Consciousness, Attitude,
Being & Becoming, Motives, Esoteric Teachings, The Teachings vs. World
Wisdom; Love, Identification/Disidentification School Talks
New CDs
Bible Workshop (in-depth talk)
8 @ 60 min
Can You Live the Picture of Man? 1994
2 @ 90 min
Decisions and Their Consequences 1989
3 @ 90 min
Don't Make Anything Important and Keep
Your Mood Up
3 @ 90 min
Going Forward with Life 1982
4 @ 90 min
Healing the Total Person 1978
5 @ 90 min
How Are People Designed? 1991
2 @ 90 min
How to Get into Conflict and How to Get
Out 1991
2 @ 90 min
Kingdom of Heaven
2 @ 90 min
Life and Living 1982
4 @ 90 min
Life's Word Workshop 1983
4 @ 90 min
Mental/Spiritual States of Being 1979
4 @ 90 min
No Such Thing as Opposites 1993
3 @ 90 min
Purpose of the Big Experiment 1981
3 @ 90 min
Sunday Service (Genesis, Eden, goals,
accident prone)
4 @ 90 min
Transformation--The New Man 1990
3 @ 90 min
What Are You Making Important? 1993
2 @ 90 min
What Do I Value/How to Use Disturbance
4 @ 90 min
What's Going On?
3 @ 90 min
Will and Desire 1978
3 @ 90 min
Rhondell Videos
1991 Salt Lake City
1992 Salt Lake City
1988 Vancouver "Inner State of
The Picture of Man
Narrated and interpreted by Rhondell "This is a film of
symbology. Every character in the film represents a symbol and is a
symbol of something that happens in each of us."
Toy Finger
Produced by Rhondell, this is a short fantasy tale about
what people value, created in the style of pixillation (fast motion of
live characters). A young girl discovers she has the "Toy Touch." A
festive and thoughtful video for individuals and families.
Short Workshops
Short workshops for small groups recorded
in Arizona in the 1980s
Half-hour and one-hour CDs
$12.00 each
30 Minute tapes:
2.Role Playing
4.Role Playing II
8.Inner/Outter Considering
14.What is & What ought To be
15.How To Be Miserable in Spite of Your Good Fortune
18.the 9-Step Journey
21.Mountain Climbing
22.How to Have a Chaotic Relationship
25.Making Up The Mind
27.Regeneration (2)
28.Transformed Being
29.Two Lines of Teaching
31.Feelings of Inferiority
33.Experiencing Freely
36.Power vs. Being
38.Recall & Remembering
39.Ideas are Tenants
40.Levels of Food
41.Personal Power
42.Necessity of Purpose
45.Questions & Answers
47.Start here & Now
1 Hour Tapes:
23.Free Will/Purpose
49.Health & Healing
50.From Chaos to Order
51.Living the Spiritual Life
52.What's Going On Here?
53.Living with Stress
54.Single Motive
55.Where to Find Truth
56."What If...?"
Victorio Productions
The Following videos are available from Victorio Productions:
Series 1—The Picture of Conditioned Man
Series 2—The Vicious Cycle
Series 3—The Four Dual Basic Urges
These are excellent introductions to the material. Lively, fun, and
informative. Perfect for individual study or for group meetings.
You can email Victorio Productions at
Seeking the Rose
For "Seeking the Rose" video,
click here
An ancient myth dressed up in modern clothing. Royal
children from Harmony are sent to a distorted world to retrieve The
Rose. Their Friend explains their initiation... travels with them,
available but unrecognized as the trusted servant of the King and Queen.
Rhondell plays the Friend.
Workshop CDs
7/88 Phoenix, AZ
2 @90min
8/80 Newport Beach, CA
15 Hours
7/80 Mesa, AZ "Life"
2@ 90min
7/80 Rody, NM "Magic"
2 @90min
10/80 Salt Lake City "Consciousness,
Health, Wealth, Love"
2@ 90min
10/80 Santa Ana, CA "Life is the
4@60 min.
8/81 Sale Lake City (Basic ideas)
2@ 90min
1/83 California
4@60 min.
3/84 Austin, TX
2@ 60min
4/84 Florida "The Way of Power"
3@ 60min
2/85 Costa Mesa, CA
2@ 90min
7/85 Los Angeles "Understanding &
4@ 60min
9/85 Half Moon Bay, CA
4@ 60min
11/85 "Living the Spiritual Life"
4@ 60min
1988 Los Angeles
2@ 90min
5/90 Juarez, Mexico
3@ 60min
6/90 Sedona, AZ
2@ 90min
6/90 El Paso, TX
2@ 60min
10/90 Albuquerque "Health/Moods"
2@ 90min
4/92 New Smyrna, FL
3@ 60min
5/92 Albuquerque
2@ 90min